Testimonials of WCGH Telepractice Services

Parents & teachers connected from more than 200 miles away!

Daphne talks about her families involvement with teletherapy.
"The families just love teletherapy! One mom in particular just beams watching her children respond to telepractice and is surprised by how well they interact and how well they do with it. They have been loving it!
" Daphne, Case Manager

Parent discusses teletherapy with her daughter.
"I have been thoroughly impressed with my daughter's progress in speech telepractice! Her doctor said you guys are miracle workers! She's able to get her point across without temper tantrums and fits of anger. She's learning faster. I am very,very impressed." Jesse, Parent

Jamie discusses her experiences with teletherapy services at WCGH.
"It makes every day life so much simpler when you can understand what your child is trying to tell you. You wouldn't think speech therapy would have such a great big impact on everybody in the family. I can't get over how incredible the differences are in her." Jamie, parent

Kristan discusses her client's progress in teletherapy.
"I just think its amazing how much progress my client has made in six months. He looks forward to seeing Nathan and Jenn on the computer. They always have something of interest to draw him in. He's talking and working without even knowing that he's working. His speech has just grown tremendously since he started." Kristan, teacher

Michelle discusses her clients progress and the family impact of teletherapy.

"In the two years I've been working here, I've never seen a parent so involved and so excited about their child's growth. She is very happy with her daughter's progress in teletherapy." Michelle, teacher

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